"MètaClinic-home" is a preventive telemedicine system based on the monitoring ofsome basic parameters and on specific questionnaires, collected regularly by the user adomicile, can givea timely alert on the worsening of already diagnosed chronic diseases efollowed in the same specialist centers that will prescribe the "MètaClinic-home" appThe chronic diseases that can be monitored by the "MètaClinic-home" app are: Diabetes,Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Cardiac Breakdown.This system is not able to manage clinical emergencies.The application aims to highlight, among the programmed visits to the centersspecialist, symptoms and clinical data detectable by the patient himself that they can dopresuppose a worsening of the disease. The purpose is to put adisposition of the health worker data and questionnairesaccording to a deadline set by the specialist himself for each subject. Symptomsthat too often they are ignored by patients, which would be easyidentification and which, if appropriately identified, could be avoidedflare-ups of the same chronic diseases.The system also allows messages to be exchanged between health workers and the patientchronic that, unlike the usual chats, are recordedand highlighted on the METEDA Smart Digital Clinic folder used by thesame specialists. Thus the health worker and the specialist doctorwill be able to integrate the information coming from the home to the clinical history of thepatient in its entirety. In this way the operators can decide,in a more careful and precise way, the type of communication or request to be respectedat the next outpatient check of the patient undergoing monitoring.The activation of the application on the patients phone is done by decision of thespecialist in the chronic disease to be monitored and only in his presence,thus avoiding problems of identification of the person to be monitored.